
This command reads one or multiple blocks from a label.

This command implements the (optional) "ReadMultipleBlocks" command from the ISO 15693-3 specification.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
FirstBlockId Integer (8 bits) Index (starting at 0) of first block to read.
BlockCount Integer (16 bits) Number of blocks to read.
EnBlockSec Boolean (8 bits) Enable/Disable BlockSecStat Byte in response frame.

Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
LabelStat Integer (8 bits) Status code returned from label. Is 0 if everything was OK, else an error code is returned.
Length of RecvBlocks Integer (16 bits) Number of elements in the RecvBlocks array
RecvBlocks Array if LabelStat is not 0 (=error), this array will always be if size 0.
Length of RecvBlock Integer (8 bits) Length of RecvBlock in bytes
RecvBlock Raw data Contains the actual data read from a block.
Length of BlocksSecData Integer (16 bits) Number of elements in the BlocksSecData array
BlocksSecData Array this array will always be of size 0 if LabelStat is not 0 (=error) or EnBlockSec was not set.
BlockSecData Integer (8 bits) Security status byte of the corresponding block.